Rags of light

By CarolG1


Have been feeling a teensy bit sorry for myself today. My cold, which should be gone by now, has moved into a snivelling, chesty phase. I hope it goes by the weekend or I'll be terrible company for whoever has to sit next to me on my ,flight to India.

I've got loads of work to do (which is A GOOD THING in the current economic climate). So I've just ploughed on, but with no-one to moan to, make me cups of tea, mop my fevered brow.....cue violins....

Anyway, this made me smile today. Look carefully in the tree for a rare sighting of an exotic creature. Worked it out yet? It is of course the lesser chewed orange spacehopper ball bird. Recognised by its distinctive squeak, it originates from Sainsbury's and is more usually found bouncing on the ground pursued by dogs. This one has found sanctuary at last...

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