As soon as I stepped out of the door this morning I could hear the geese over head. I garbed the camera and this was the result, no chance to get another blip today.

It was cold today and kept trying to snow, nothing came of it though. I just could not stay warm in the office no matter how high I put the heater, I think it must have been the dampness in the air.

I had to get stamps for the office this morning, I got to the post office at 8.57 and got sent away "as the post office does not open till 9am don't you know." I just said I will see you in 3 minutes then and walked out to the car for 3 minutes and went back in. After some faffing about I got my stamps, but to be sent away for the sake of 3 minutes was a bit much. I'll get the stamps in town from now on!

Hope you had a good day :0)

Shona :0)x

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