a town called E.

By Eej

Hazy Day

While most of my day was spent in a pleasant haze of stars and birdies and friendly faces courtesy of my cold medicine and a kick-ass fever, I am still thoroughly annoyed with this virus. On top of it all the UPS lady said that I should eat my vitamins. *kicks in general UPS lady direction* I DO eat my vitamins!

My Mam is poorly too, so I need to feel better soon so I can call her. Right now talking is painful* so it'll have to wait.

The Beloved was being silly when he came to pick me up. I said: "You must be feeling better." He said:"Comedy knows no illness, I am always ON." I turned my head and just glared.
Good times. Good times.

This is possibly my lamest Blip. Ever. You are welcome.
*takes bow*

*as is typing. Sitting up. Lying down. Breathing. Not breathing. Blowing my nose. Not blowing my nose. Etc.

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