cultivate thankfulness

By cultivate

The hangover

Well too bad I was unable to manage a blip from yesterday. That was a night I should mention, but wouldn't mind forgetting. I met up with Meags, Charles, Skippy, and a couple of Skippy's friends at a local sports bar to watch the probowl. Needless to say there was little watching of the probowl and a lot of alcohol....and pool...and throwing up. Obviously I didn't plan on getting wasted on a Sunday night when I have homework to finish and school at 8 am. The following 24 hours were quite miserable. Which brings us to present day, Monday. The hangover...ohhhh the first hangover. I don't want to get that drunk ever again.

After classes, Meagan and I drove down to Denver in order to drop her off in the morning at the airport for her med school interview. We had dinner with her step family, and fell asleep watching our favorite movie, The Devil's Double. I love okhtee.

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