Rose-Tinted Spectacles

By WildWildWesti

Novee and Ryder hit the 'Pools'.

So, the baby girl in this photo just brought the kitten to me and threw it at my foot..nice big bleeding scratch, thanks for that. Today has been a bit of a wastrel. Drizzling ALL day and humid to boot, a great combination, motivation slowly leached from me after the school drop off this morning so the day has been a blurr of nothingness, except for the blip shot. Visited my Nana, as leaving, the two youngest kids raced yet again for her 'swimming pool'. Laughing and giggling and refusing to listen to me asking them to 'come with me'... so I got out the camera and took a whole of 7 photo's for the day. Right after this, managed to get the other two children in the car......but the littly, takes off inside to my nana's only to come racing back out after she'd disposed of her wet clothes and nappy!.....and ran straight back squealing to the swimming pool....mum said I used to be exactly the same....I wonder if that means the one I think is the nutter is actually going to be the shyest?? Oh well, time to make the magic happen. :)

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