Fira goes London

By fira87

Compact day suprise here, I didn't get in. (BA Fashion Womanswear at CSM) But to stop from people commenting to say they are sorry, let me give you the numbers:

Compact Scheme is an internal admission programme within the Univeristy of the Arts. All 7 Universities are in and you start by applying to your own University.

The BA Womenswear has a total of 60 places: of which 30 max. get in through the compact scheme (internally) and of which around 5 from the Saint Martin's Foundation. So it was not surprising that I did not get in.
Around 40 UK/EU students applied today for 5 spots, in the end 7(!) got in. Tomorrow the International students are applying for any places they have left. So I don't get what happend to those '5' only they take from the Foundation, guess they just wanted to scare us. Anyhow it took hours and hours but I'm glad the "what-if".. i tried is out of my head because I tried and my feedback wasn't bad at all!

left to right: Jay didn't get in, Helen got an interview but didn't get in in the end, Nafsika didn't get into FashionPrint and Christopher got in to the Womenswear BA (saw his sketchbooks and he is really good).

So It's official.. ArtEZ, Arnhem here I come!

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