Walk on the cool side...

You could be mistaken for thinking this was a gorgeous summer's day.

Blue skies... glorious, true and like a summer's day, but alas, temperature-wise, not like a summers day.

The only point where I was thinking it was not really all that cold after all, was on the long walk up-hill from the towpath, along an old and cobbled road where a little(?) bit of back-tracking along the main road would lead to.... The Pub! (We did discover a shorter route shortly after this.)

Today's wind chill factor scored quite highly in some places. Now, I expected that to some extent, but some sections of the canal suffered effects similar to that of a wind-tunnel. So when we finally found ourselves in the warmth of the hostelry of our (eventual!) choice, I could have easily have fallen asleep on a big heap of cushions after consuming my bowl of sweet potato and chilli soup... delicious bliss.

One slight problem though was that I had to be somewhere else by 2.30 pm and we still had some walking to do to get back home.

The answer to our problem? One quick phone call made and soon before us stood our very own knight in shining armour... well, I think it was a Toyota actually... come to rescue us... oo, some people's husbands are just so bloomin' marvellous!

Thank you for that Keith! And, I later got to where I needed to be. This is what happens when you walk further than you intend to, whilst also stopping to look at just about everything and photographing half of it, along the way!

Many thanks again to Pauline's husband, who himself also enjoyed a very nice pub lunch too as a result!

See you later Pauline at tonight's dance class.... in about 3 hours time....
...can my legs can take it....??!!!

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