David J. Rose

By djrose007

What on earth is that noise!

Marlane convinced me to watch the demo of the VAX Ultra carpet cleaning thingy on QVC and it looked so impressive we ordered it. Came this morning so the dining room was the first to get hit.
The dogs came in to see what we were doing as it makes a noise similar to the vacuum cleaner but different.
Foxy hates the vacuum but Jonty has always been used to it, being with us since he was a puppy, but Foxy's curiosity got the better of him and he came in anyway.

By the way, it's fantastic (the Vax cleaner). Our dining room was particularly bad and we were going to replace the carpet but the Vax made such a difference we've decided it can wait until our 'lodgers' move!
You can get it cheaper elsewhere but we know that there are no Quibbles with QVC if we tried it and we didn't think it was up to the job.

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