How to catch a star

By Shinythings

Febchallenge - Reflection

So here it is my reflection - the clothes that Archie came home from hospital in.

I have looked at least a hundred things today and thought "is that going to cut it for my first challenge blip?". The answer has been no. Then after getting my eldest home from school it hit me. I spend so much time running around after my little one (2 1/2) that I never get time to think about my eldest (4 1/2). So here it is, my reflection on the past 4 1/2 years ....

Archie was born on 07.07.07 at 7pm after a difficult labour. 36 hours bed bound while they monitored me (and him) only to have to be put on a drip for a further 10 hours until he became distressed and they raced us to theatre for an emergency c section. (The following day the consultant told me that he's been in such an awkward position that he's never have come out 'naturally' ........)

He was an easy baby. Slept through from early on. Talked early and was never in trouble at nursery. He is ridiculously good with numbers. On his first day at nursery they gave him the numbers 0 - 5 and asked him to pick one up and say what number it was - he picked out the 3, 6 and 5 and exclaimed "that's three hundred and sixty five!!!". He is also obsessed with trams, and as we live near Beamish Museum we end up there once per week to look at them!!!

He is however the most un- sporty child in the world (much to Dad's disgust!!). He's uncoordinated and hates running around - he'd much prefer to sit with a book (just like me!!!).

It's been a crazy 4 1/2 years - but I wouldn't swop it for the world!!!!

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