The odd curiosity shot

By Flipscokid

3 down, 2 to go

This is Renishaw. Again. Home of Sunday's peahen. It's caught my eye several times before in the evening so hopped out of the car to take a quick snap. This must be what it feels like to be about 80. I cannot bend down to take a photo, knees are so weak. Once I'm down, I can't get back up...

...and I'm going on a walking holiday to Snowdonia next Friday, argh!

Starting to feel like things are getting on top of me, there don't seem to be enough hours in the day - not home long and still have 5 lessons to plan for tomorrow. No time during school to do it. How do people manage to jump through the relentless hoops in teaching and still find time to look after their own children? I promised myself I'd make better use of my time this year but I'm struggling. And then there's the marking - but that's what weekends are for, I forgot. Silly me.

Rant over.


Always time for a bit of blipping though...

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