
By Regine

Challenge day 1: Reflections

Decided to try it out, a challenge! So I was looking for nice reflections all day and was probably mssing a lot of fabulous other images.... Started at the lab where I made this photo of the reflections of the lights in a glass bowl. My cute little pink camera automatically focussed on the wrong things, so I didn't wanted to use this photo as a blip, even though I like the image a lot :) will make it again using a fancy camera that allows me to focus on the things I want to focus on :)

After work I went to the supermarket and tried to make photo's with my frozen hands (it is cold in the Netherlands all of a sudden, people are suffering from 'skatingfever' everywhere...). After warming up during shopping for 'worteltjesstamp' I tried again and spotted the reflection of the sun on this little pole at the parking lot of the supermarket.

Good news from the 'arm-front', I have learned to relax my arm so the pain is not as intense as it was before. I even asked for a day off tomorrow because I worked on Saturday a while ago. It is very busy at work but not for me :) tomorrow will be another 'me-time'-day :) I have some nice things planned for myself!

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