Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Lines, curves and refracted light

I snapped this with my smartphone whilst waiting for a meeting to start, and got some quizzical looks from a colleague; I them made things worse by gabbling enthusiastically about abstract shapes in photography and in particular the work of Andre Kertesz who is something of a hero of mine. By the time I had finished I think he thought I was on drugs. We then had a conversation about another colleague's underwear and the health giving properties of long johns before moving on to prescription cannabis in throat spray form (by which I mean talking about it, not actually using it - I don't want you to think we road test our products in the NHS - well we do, but not on ourselves).

It was one of those days.

Girl racer called today. Has had her application approved to do most of her second year at Uni in Melbourne. Hugely excited, well done sweetie, really pleased for you.

As for tonight, lovely conversation with the Smiling Giant who is doing some voluntary work at the Imperial War Museum next week, and The Dizzle who demonstrated a number of six pack building exercises for us.

I love my kids.

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