Pont du Diable
This is a 14th century bridge in our local town, Ceret. In common, I suppose, with all other Ponts du Diable in France, there's a legend that goes with it: apparently the devil made a deal with the people of the town that he would build them a fine bridge if they gave him the soul of the first citizen of the town to cross it. They agreed, he built it, and they sent over a cat. He apparently wasn't fooled but history doesn't tell me what his revenge was. (Probably the traffic chaos.)
Anyway, when it was built this was, I am told, the longest single span bridge in the world. Bit of a tricky shot as it was about 11am and I was shooting into the sun (foolish I know, but I had lots of errands and not much time for driving around for a better shot). Maybe one of these days that our lovely son wakes us at 6 (which has been happening a lot) I'll actually haul myself out of bed to grab a 'golden hour' shot....
My sister arrived to visit us today with her partner so there was a frenzy of vegetable buying this morning (she's veggie). The other bit of news on the day: we have bats in our top floor (we kind of suspected from all the bat poo on the floor, but today I saw them. Will try and quietly blip them tomorrow - didn't have my low light lens handy today.) Not sure how we'll explain all the bat poo to the paying guests who arrive on Sunday....
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