......since revealing my desire for a unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy for Scotland in 2014, the reactions of friends, families and colleagues has been interesting. Those of a republican persuasion, have been alarmed at my acceptance of Liz and Phil as a half-way house for a fledgling democracy. Others of a unionist outlook often, wrongly assume that my desire for a new system is born of a sabre rattling, dewy eyed Braveheart view of the world. Frankly, they couldn't be more wrong. Quite simply, I feel the union has served its purpose for Scotland and England, and so has the current economic model for the whole of Europe. I feel a de-regulated and un-coupled collective of European states is a stronger, more agile model. Until we break the dominance of German economics on mainland Europe and to a much lesser extent England on Scotland, we have no chance of re-energising European productivity. That's it; I could be right, I could be wrong, but it's what I believe after taking a critical and dispassionate view of the problems facing our peoples over the last 30 years.
Elsewhere, it was a cracking, cold, blue sky day and Blip released their blue film
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