
We're on our third day in Berlin now and it was time for the main event. Today we were off to Transmediale, which was the main reason we opted to visit Berlin.

It was a great experience, but also a learning experience. We are only doing one day here and I think next time we will try and do the whole thing. There was some really good stuff to see today, but there is loads of other interesting looking stuff through the week that we'll miss. It would be great to get the full week pass and cherry pick.

The first thing we saw when we got in was a series of lectures. Some of the content was pretty fascinating, but the presentation of some was a little dry, also some of it was PHD thesis material. Some of the students had been up pretty late last night and were feeling the worse for wear this morning so they perhaps didn't engage with it as well as they could have. The main exhibition was good though, as was a few of the other bits including a panel on is web.vited othe new The members on the panel were Igor Stromajer, Petra Cortright and the fantastically named Constant Dullaart (his real name, he offered to show us his passport and drivers license. While not all might see the validity of all, tehre's no denying it's a pretty democratic forum and some of the discussion was really interesting.

After that I met a former student Tanis, and some of the people she went to Napier with after studying with me, for a beer before heading back to

meet Roz. After that Alex, Roz and I headed out to meet the guys from Napier for some dinner.

Time to get ready for a night out at Tresor now.

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