
I went for a walk around where I live today. I should explain, that I live on an ex military base. There is barbwire and razor wire everywhere. Including at the end of my garden. So it creeps in to photos now and again.

This is the view from my bedroom window today. The new phase is about to be developed. It is a messy photo, and I have obviously cropped it tight. There is something about it in mono that I really like. I think it is the detail it shows.

Went to the Supermarket today. I asked a woman who works there where the 1001 seafood sauce was. Her reply was, No love 1001 is what you use to clean the carpet after you have eaten Thousand Island dressing! No wonder I couldn't find it.

I felt a bit odd today having to think of a subject to blip and then a what to blip. Haven't done that in oh about a month!

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