Fuji Rock Festival - Day One

I met up with Fin and his mate Elvis (not his real name) along with George & Regina, Emily & Annie on Thursday night after returning from Kyoto. We did ramen noodles and beers in Akasaka, before Fin, Elvis and I hit the bright lights of Shibuya for a few hours. It could have turned into an all-nighter but we had to get up early for the 6.32am train to Echigo Yuzawa and so we got to bed at 4am. Just over an hour's kip. It was hardly worth it!

Anyways, the main purpose for the trip to Japan - three days in the mountain resort of Naeba, for Japan's equivalent of Glastonbury: Camping, wellies, smelly squat loos, beer from paper cups, mud and music.
The campsite was heaving when we arrived so eventually found a sufficiently flat piece of mountain, to pitch our tents, although it was a right old trek to get to it, but it kept us fit - I'd bought one of these ready made tents that you just pop open in two seconds. Genius! We were done by 10am and the beers were cracked open.

This was the first afternoon at the Green Stage - such a fab setting in the mountains with the mist rolling in... Watched Travis perform their set, which was very entertaining. Particularly when the heavens opened and they stopped s song after a few bars and decided to sing "Why does it always rain on me...." instead. The waterproofs were conveniently up that hill in the tent, so we all got a bit wet, but soon dried off when the sun came out again. Lots of fun had, but slightly sleep-deprived so an early-ish night all round.

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