A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife

Lower East Side

My system proved yet again that it prefers functioning properly (i.e. sleeping, working) every other day. At this point, I figured, since it seems a well established rhythm, and since fighting it doesn't work, let's have it. So I stopped fighting it around 3pm. And left the library, where I had only managed to fulfill half of each of my objectives.

For my walk, today, I had planned to wander into old New York, around City Hall. But, being on that "other day" schedule, once I got there (yes, I could have taken a subway, or a bus, but what's the fun in that?), I was plainly too tired, and also tired of carrying my huge work backpack. Seriously: a computer, a camera, a hard drive, 2 books, etc. Academics are basically tortoises carrying their life on their back.

So I came home, had dinner with one of my friends, and attempted to convince my computer that Adobe is not the devil. No victory for tonight, but we have big hopes for tomorrow.

ps: I saw the cutest dog, today. A tiny white lap dog, sitting in the back of a black town car. The dog had a driver. I'm so jealous... You can see it in my Blipfolio, last picture. I haven't figured out yet how to link to a specific picture.

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