
By Fi

Tsujiki Fish Market, Tokyo

...but didn't like it when my alarm went off at 5am...

However, I chucked my croc boots on over some jeans and got down to Tsujiki Fish Market by about 6am to see the market at work. I'd missed the auctions but was fascinated just watching the stall-holders preparing, displaying, selling and packing the fish. It's apparently the biggest wholesale fish market in the world. (with the biggest fish in the world too!) I don't have my guidebook to hand for the facts and figures but let's just say that there are loads of varieties of fish and it's not your regular fish counter down at Tesco.

Lots of photos taken and a difficult choice of blip, but shall blog more in due course.
This captures some of the activity. It was worth getting up early for and I was back, showered and packed before I met the boys for breakfast as planned. I think they were impressed that I'd managed it, although they wanted evidence (camera!) before they paid!

My last few hours were spent shopping! I had thought about some things I'd seen the day before and returned to get them, to treat myself! I went to the electronics store district of Akihabara, in search of a new lens cover for the Nikon. I'm sure the one I misplaced will turn up but decided that it wouldn't be too difficult to get a replacement, which it wasn't. Floors and floors of camera stuff - computer stuff and gadgets galore. That was just one shop! Alas, I had to return to my hotel to collect my bag(s) and get myself to the airport - a last journey on JR train - to fly home.

A fab ten days. Love Japan!

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