Feeling very tropical here!

The chemicals I need for my project arrived yesterday (thank goodness Bob the Postie didn't ask what the package was - getting 'fertiliser ingredients' sent through the post probably sounds a bit suspicious these days!).

I'm now very excited because the tanks just turned up as well and my 'breakfast-room' end of the kitchen has now been re-named 'The Lab'.

I had a dreadful time trying to find tanks the right size and at a price that wouldn't give my husband a heart attack. These are absolutely perfect, although I did think all the lids would be blue. Not sure about the rainbow effect - might need to re-hash my hypothesis: Do water fleas have a colour-preference?

Still, they came with little plastic palm trees so despite my OU-issue thermometers (which never lie...ahem...) saying it dropped to minus 5 last night, it's all feeling very tropical here at the moment!

PS. Happy Groundhog Day!

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