wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

Weird to Disturbing

Book club tonight. We've finished one and moved onto the next. Our book choosing technique follows the time honoured tradition of 'find something that's connected somehow'. Jasper Fforde mentioned A Brave New World in and interview. That was enough. After that comes Alice in Wonderland, because apparently Huxley once tried to write a summary or something of it, and Disney said he could only understand every third word. Then we'll find something a little more contemporary that's connected to that one...

I'm still catching up on my blips from the last week, should get them finished tomorrow night - back at work now, so only have the evenings, and last night and this night have been a little too busy for doing 8 blips... But Days Zero - Three are now up. Woo.

Bed time.

Also, thinking about getting a new phone - mine has an annoying tendency to turn off at annoying times - loose connection somewhere, so pressure, a slight tap, some other unknown force may shut it down. Considering an iPhone 4S, but willing to think about others too. What do you have and why?

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