
By pennipics

Luxury Flats...I don't think so....

These flats were built about five years ago and remained empty, rumour has it that they were built by a local drugs baron out of illicit gains, which was possibly why the flats were impounded for so long...there are more but couldn't get them all in my LCD.
When they built they did have a for sale sign by a estate agent who disappeared soon after.
More mystery I think.

They now have a for sale sign on them but remain empty, they were built on land that was a garden centre of sorts and worse on a slope as can be seen.
I understand that inside there are cracks in floors and walls of some of the units.
They look even better from the road and have large gates and garages.
We suspect it is a fairly local family that are involved, who also built houses in a most remarkable place right by a railway line (in use) families moved in almost as soon as they were finished.

I left this in colour to show what a glorious day it is today but of course cold, my car said it was -2 at 10.30am but it is warmer now due to the sun.

Cheers Penny.

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