Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Buggin' me

My head is in a complete whirl.
I'm >*this*< close to giving up on my OU module.
Every time I decide to do some reading/research/thinking/ to do with my course my head becomes full of other things I could/should/want to do.

I have a assignment due on 17th Feb worth a whopping 30% of my course but I'm reading a chapter (very very very) slowly that I should have read a month ago. I have no idea how I'm going to approach the assignment and I feel that aiming everything at simply passing that right now will mean bypassing anything interesting that I want to absorb.

It's our daughter's birthday tomorrow, hubby has a BIG important birthday next week and it's schools' half term in 9 days.

I know why I decided to take this particular course and I am loving reading Brecht. I could grab 100 quotes of his from Life of Galileo and apply them to my life and the world around me but I'm not sure I want to go through the process of stressing about any more assignments.

I'm actually getting very little done right now and it's bugging me. As was this stink bug that decided to invade our house today and hide in the curtains, making rather startling bee fart noises behind me as I was sitting at the table trying to read.

I feel as if my daily life is a bit like throwing velcro balls at a sticky target right now and most of them aren't sticking so I have to keep stopping to pick them up and try again.

If that analogy doesn't work for you, try the one where you follow a toddler around, tidying up his/her toys and you realise you're not getting anywhere because they're making a mess faster than you can tidy up. And while you've wasted your time doing that you missed the best part of the day and it's going dark.

At some point you probably decide to stop letting it bug you and do something else...


I think I will have to email my tutor...

In other news: Isn't it cold!?!

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