Desert Island Discs 6

Desert Island Discs 6 Gold

Everyone needs an anthem!

I've had a few songs of celebration over the years, but this one, particularly the chorus, is what I sing when I need to give myself a bit of a talking to. After all I am gold!

I have one recollection of being driven by a special young girlfriend with both of us singing this at the top of our voices, it will remind me of her and keep me strong.

The words fit rather well with the thought of being able to get off the island, although I'm not sure if I would try to build a raft or wait to be rescued. The thought of drifting at sea is not too appealing.

On a desert island, if I'm having self doubt, or struggling to get stuff done I will play Gold and probably visualise Tony Hadley strolling along the beach towards me.....

You may be wondering by now how I would cope on a desert island.
Well, I'm a keen hunter gather, or 'forager' as it seems to be called now. I would beach comb at high tide and gather shellfish and seaweed at low tide.

There is a huge difference between alone and lonely.
In my life currently, I may be alone, but I am never lonely. I like to think I could cope with the solitude, but in reality it may be very different.

I'm cool with spiders, and most creepy crawlies, but not so keen on snakes......

Should you wish to hear my other selections: My Desert Island Discs Journey starts here.

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