
By erinmaureen

Ginger Day

Today is my favorite ginger cousin's* birthday! She's 18 years old today. It's very exciting. I have zero idea how she got to be so freaking old.

I sent her this text: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! Let's go to a strip club this weekend and get pierced and get tattoos cause now it's legal!

Clearly, I am the greatest older cousin of all time. Totally a great role model.

In honor of Ginny Weaselbee's birthday (sometimes she goes by Colleen) I took this picture of my ginger housemate Liz riding a long board around F11- She fell off about 30 seconds after I took this photo.

I don't know if anyone else sees a trend here, but i do. Gingers are taking over my life. I think I'm up to about 4 right now. Too many. Needs to stop.

(*= Brian James is my favorite "ginger" cousin- but he's not that ginger-y)

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