
By monochrome

Abandoned castle in the woods

Despite studying at Stirling uni for four years, I barely knew this little castle type thing existed. I still don't even know it's name, or indeed if it has one. It's located towards the back of the campus, up past Airthrey castle (which is the main castle on the campus) and Alexander Court and is in plain sight from the car park at Logie Kirk.
I had gone out with the intention of getting some shots of this abandoned castle, however, I decided to venture a little further up the path, towards Alexander Court. I noticed that there was a hidden wee path leading up into the trees, so I decided to go for a wee wander. The path was actually quite well defined (although still quite hidden), and led up towards the back of the rugby pitches. I took some shots while on my adventures, however I liked this one of the castle, so I decided to go with that. I reckon I'll save my hidden path for another day's blipping.

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