Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones


You know when it is just so cold that you change into your pyjamas as quick as a flash, not wanting the chilly air in the room to penetrate any further than it needs to? You dive under the duvet and lie as still as you possibly can, hoping that the cocoon surrounding you will soon take up the heat from your body - that the thin layer of air between yourself and the duvet will soon be a toasty form of insulation. A few minutes pass and you are gradually beginning to thaw - you relax, move a little - reach for a book perhaps, turn over and rest your head on the pillow. Don't get to comfy - you know that in just a few moments you will be attacked by the REFRIGERATORS. I know you all know what I mean. Your other half has crept in next to you, and in a vain and selfish attempt to thaw out their own frosty extremities, they thrust their chilly digits between your now-cozy calves, causing you to shriek out in shock, recoiling and grumbling as you try to reclaim your pleasantly thermal duvet shell. Be warned, dear husband - I see you have beaten me to bed this evening. I have come to bed prepared, by deliberately pacing around on the cold, tiled kitchen floor. I have my own pair of refrigerators. Revenge is so very sweet :o) hehehehehehe

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