Rags of light

By CarolG1

Born to be humble?

My last day working in London before my holiday. I came away from a meeting with rather more work to do tomorrow than I'd hoped, but hey ho, it'll get done.

Best of all I was able to go to the British Museum to see the Grayson Perry exhibition, The Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman, before it finishes at the end of February. So many people have raved about it, and they were right. I loved the mixture of his pieces with artefacts from the Museum, and the intelligence, craftsmanship and humour in his work.

This shot is part of a specially created motorbike on which he transported his childhood toy, muse and alter ego Alan Measles the teddy bear on a trip to Germany. The context is too complex to discuss here but if you get the chance, visit the Museum or read about Perry - he really has an amazing talent. Rarely have I seen so many different types of people so engaged and entranced by an exhibition.

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