Lathyrus Odoratus

By lathyrus

1/2d Definitive

Having to use up my annual leave entitlement before the end of March I decided some time ago to take leave every Friday for six weeks starting today. That meant I got to take the spaniel for his lunchtime and afternoon walks rather than the crack of dawn walk. It was cold but really sunny in the afternoon as we roamed around the commons and late on I was able to take some nice photographs of the shadows cast by the trees which I usually miss out on in the morning. I'm slightly obsessed by trees at the moment as I've been asked to make them the focus of next year's charity calendar. I spent another quiet hour in the morning going through the bags of stamps from my mother-in-law's attic. A few interesting one's came out of the bag, especially from the reign of King George VI and then I found this entire sheet of orange halfpenny stamps of Queen Elizabeth II with the national emblems.

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