It's cold enough ..

To freeze the b+++s off a brass monkey. It really is cold here. Up at 7.15 to play golf, wrapped up in thermal vest, tshirt and heavy wind proof jumper, knee length thermal socks, trouser and over trousers, hat and gloves. It was -2.

My lift arrived and off we headed to a course in the mountains. Tom decided that he would go a different way, the usual way is motorway towards Alicante, turn off Motorway towards Madrid then turn off for the golf course, about 35 minutes, not today. Motorway towards Crevillents, turn off, country road towards Aspe, got lost in Aspe, country road towards Montforte del Cid, join the motorway heading towards Alicante, turn off then head towards golf course, our team captain was panicking as we should have arrived at the course at 8.45am for a 9.30 t time, we got there at 9.10am. The journey took 80 minutes, even I was getting a bit worried. Journey home 35 minutes along the motorway.

It was freezing cold and windy, the greens were rock solid as were the bunkers, not a pleasant days golf, and we lost. In the club house, ordered 2 hot chocolates and 2 brandies, nearly died when I was asked for 13 euros, in our club that would have been 9 euros and a better measure of brandy.

Just had a nice soak in the bath, off out for a meal and a couple of drinks, not too many as I'm at the gym tomorrow, planning to do a 3k run then a yoga class.

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