An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Education. Education. Education.

Today we visited the school that we are hoping Alan will transfer to when we move house. I didn't actually realise how stressed I was about the visit until it ended!

Alan's needs are complex, physically and educationally and he is SO settled and happy in his current school that there are times I think we must be mad at contemplating, even for a moment, the idea of moving him, but the distance we are moving and the fact we will be living in a different local authority area, makes staying where he is not an option.

Well I needn't have worried. The school, the Head Teacher, the staff and the resources in terms of staff experience, knowledge and enthusiasm as well as physical teaching resources, are utterly fantastic! But over and above all of that.....the place just feels right. Welcoming and with a positive ethos that just just reverberates around the whole place. I am so relieved and so excited. I think Alan will love it. We are taking him along to visit next Thursday. I am really looking forward to going back!

Before the school visit we popped to Alloa to look at wheelchair bases for Alan and ended up seeing a fantastic chair from Italy that might just be perfect for him. Need to organise a trial. Also managed to grab a nice lunch out in between the two visits, which I really enjoyed as can't remember the last time D & I went out for lunch!

Grabbed this shot as we headed out of Alloa towards Tillicoultry. It's the Ochil Hills with Wood Hill on the left (525m) and Elistoun Hill (497m) just out of shot on the right. Behind them on the left of the photo, The Law (638m) can be seen rising above the two. Tillicoultry's Craigfoot Quarry can be seen just below the right slope of Wood Hill. (thanks wiki! :-))

Just about to make fajitas for dinner (see the effort I go to on a Friday! ;-)) then (I know I am starting to sound like a broken record) I hope to get some time to catch up on here!

Have a great weekend Blip Pals :-)) xxx

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