For the family

By RonaMac

A Fieldfare, I think?

We had a large flock of these birds in the orchard next to the house (actually the Catholic Church grounds) today. They came in to feed on the apples on the ground. It was mayhem for a little while as they squabbled amongst themselves and fought over the fruit.

This is not a bird that normally visits us, so wonder if the cold weather coming in from the east is the influence.

Speaking of weather!! I have tickets for The City of London Sinfonia - Conquering the Antarctic, in Cambridge tomorrow evening. Judging by the weather forecast we may have our own snow by then and my little motor is not the most robust vehicle to be out and about in inclement weather. B will be in Southend with the motor that is more suitably kitted out!!!

I will be dead peeved if S & I are not able to attend!!!

PS If I've got the wrong bird, will someone let me know?thank you!

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