
By pennipics


Opened the back door thinking it was only raining;couldn't believe how icy the steps are, and the hand rail was frozen too.

Put some rubbish in the recycle bin and looked up to see these icicles all along the garages and sheds...
Met up with Brian who took a couple of my developed photos to Mabel which I have taken in the last two beautiful sunny days.

Glad of my walking stick to keep my up-right on the fast freezing path, carefully pointed my camera at the frozen drops...fingers fast freezing and turning red and to be honest, hoped for the best.
Had to run hands under the warm water to get some feeling back.
when inside, negotiating the steps was no easy matter either.

Hope wherever you are your not having snow ice or anything that the weather forecasters have promised.
Take care have a good whatever remains of your week-end.


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