Sunny morning shadows

I've blipped this little statuette of my favourite composer before, but it all looked strikingly different at 7.30 am today with shafts of bright sunlight streaming in through the morning blinds. I toyed with the idea of grabbing the camera and going out for an early-morning blip session, but the urge passed quickly as I thought of the computer project I'd been immersed in until the early hours and which was calling for further attention. As it happened, the nice weather only lasted for a few brief hours, to be followed by dull, dreary, damp, miserable nastiness. So I was just as pleased that I'd taken a few moments to catch this sunny moment.

Apart from the brief moments of sunniness, the other big thing about today is that i marks a special and significant birthday for my big brother in Australia. I skyped him at 7.00 am or so his time and we had a bit of a birthday chat.

HAPPY BIG BIRTHDAY LIAM! Hope you had a good day.

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