How to catch a star

By Shinythings

Challenge Day 4 - 'Username'

So these are my favourite shiny things, my wedding and engagement rings.

To be honest you're lucky to be seeing anything today from me.

Spent the past 6 hours in 2 different A&E departments with Seth (2 1/2). He fell off a chair on to the coffee table this morning, splitting his tongue. It looks awful and must really hurt! You can see his poor tongue here.He's been a real trooper - opening his mouth and sticking his tongue out on demand to various nurses, junior doctors, registrars, consultant maxillo-facial surgeons!!!!

The first hospital said they advised it to be stitched (ouch and double ouch!!!) but that would need to be done under a general anaesthetic. They didn't have paediatric anaesthetic staff so we had to go to another A & E. The consultant said he was in two minds. The split is bad but is it bad enough to warrant the risks of putting him under??? We agreed to leave it and came home with a 7 day course of antibiotics and a very sorry for himself little boy!!!!

Now if tomorrow's challenge is about sore mouths we're sorted!!!!!

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