Move over Bridget........

By SuzStuff

Afternoon tea and a glass of champagne?

well I stuck with tea as I was driving but a lovely time none the less

These days birthday celebrations are a lot more tranquil! Not that I had a hope of topping the 'chocolate experience day' Allie got me for my birthday last year, but we just spent a lovely day in Chichester with a fish pedicure in Champneys followed by afternoon tea at the Field & Fork restaurant at the Pallant Gallery (and a hoisin duck wrap on a bench for lunch just to prove I know my was M&S tho.......!!)

Afternoon tea was a bit of a challenge, we got down to the last cake each and debated taking it home...untill we realised it was a chocolate mousse style 'cake' which wouldn't have coped well in a we stayed till the bitter end and finished everything...apart from a sandwich which would have taken up valuable cake room.

Happy birthday matey!!!!!!

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