Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

Such a Disruption!

I was busy upstairs when Son called me to come quickly downstairs.

What was the matter?

He asked if I had heard a bird screeching outside. Well, yes. Yes, I had. I just didn't pay any attention.

After a few minutes, Son went out onto the front porch and called me out. Much to our surprise, the noise was not a bird, but rather, a disturbed little squirrel!

We had run out of suet cakes a while ago, and I finally remembered to get some on Thursday. I hung them out in the morning, and once this little squirrel caught wind of it, decided he wanted some suet. Problem is, the leap from the porch railing to the window feeder is a bit of a stretch....even for a squirrel!

I didn't have my camera on hand as this chatterbox told me off while perched on the railing, but I did catch him later, sitting in the tree!

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