Me ... and of course, the dogs.
Username .. the only thing I could think of was an unrevealing SP.
MamaFi, has just returned home from the Ninewell's Hospital where she has been for seven hours with our mother, who slipped on the doorstep and fell. Although it would seem there is nothing broken, she is in great pain and can't move but is now complaining because she has to stay in hospital and is probably worried about her cat, Amber.
The forecast snow arrived early and is falling steadily. The long grass is now almost covered and from where I'm sitting I can see it pile up rapidly on the bird bath just outside the window. Normally the North Downs above us protects us from the full blast of weather systems but the wind's coming from the south east so that's failing tonight.
I doubt Cocoa remembers the snow as he was just a little puppy last year but Maera has had a look through the window and wants to go and play.
Spaniel's coats seem to clog with snowballs immediately they step in it, so for me it's off to let them out, before I get to tired to deal with it.
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