Some Days

By Euphemist

Ol' Yeller

We went on a very rare date to the pictures, this evening.

Euphling was at a birthday film party (he fell asleep, that's my boy! Start 'em young) so Euphemia and I took the seventy mile round trip to our nearest decent cinema... watch whatever she wanted, for her birthday...

...which was Sherlock bloody Holmes.

I think she is a bit in love with Robert Downie Junior... and Jude Law... and the guy who played Moriarty.

I was mildly in love with the 'French gypsy anarchist fortune-teller sister of the guy who hasn't been in the film all the way through until he has a part invented as a baddy at the end...'

...and Mrs Watson...

Ok, I did enjoy the film.

A bit.

I blipped the car park arrow just to flaunt their cameras policy (but in such a way that I would not to get shouted at!)

Big Yeller

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