
By Echo

Family Connection.

Quite a full on Day. One of the reasons for travelling down to Mataura was to meet a man who had known my uncle who had lived there before flying with the RNZAF. We met up with him and his wife and the lady who helps run the Mataura Historic society at the Clematis Cottage.
What a wonderful day, hopefully with more information to come.
We also met up with David who is working on a project to bring it all into the 21 century by getting it online .
They thought I was going there to collect a copy of a picture of the town band which included my uncle and his father.
They did not realise that I had many family photographs and my uncles Stalag record card from when he was a prisoner of war.
They want to build up a story of the Russell Familyand why they emigrated to Mataura in 1925 . Billy's story and what happened after he was killed in a flying accident in mid-Wales only a few months before the end of the War.
I was asked to record the story which will eventually be used in the Museum alongside the pictures medals etc.
Quite an emotional day. We achieved more than I thought possible and there are other people who may be able to help.
The man who knew my uncle was able to identify the three friends who were on the Birthday photograph which I posted a few weeks back. Unfortunately they are all dead now but their families may be able to help. Fingers crossed.

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