best of todays

By Cas123

Early Sunday!

Hadn't planned to be out to photograph the sunset but my phone has died! Don't know what has happened but at 7.30am the alarm on it went off and the only way I could stop it in the end was to take the battery out - after the 5mins it takes to get the back off the damn thing!

As I was up I thought I would defrost the car and go for milk so detoured via the beach with the camera. Cold, crisp and clear, also abandoned apart from 1 car which was probably a dog walker off along the beach.

Well worth the 5mins it took me to clear the windows and a huge number to choose from so in the end Becky got the choice of her favourite from the best ones, the alarm had woken her up too. Needless to say the males of the household have only just got up (nearly 3 hours later).

Off to church shortly then with 2 friends from church, plus their girls, to Cafe O'Clay so the girls can paint something while we have lunch, very civilized.

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