Mr Grumps Life in Photos

By MrGrumps


I hate the snow. Yes it's fun to play in (for about 10mins), and yes there is something innocently juvenile about making a snowman (and, ironically more juvenile about making a giant snow penis), but that's where the fun ends. Snow is great on picture post cards, or when you don't need to go out, but for the rest of us that do - it's bloody annoying because it turns to ice. In fact ice is the reason I hate snow. If snow just buggered off once we've had our 10 mins of snow ball fights and sledging then it would be much more welcome to return.

I'm not the only one. Even Monty doesn't like it. So much so that he actually RAN back in from the garden this morning! RAN!! I just assumed he'd been possessed.

I've not been Blipping for months. Just not had the time (terrible excuse but completely true!) Capturing a photo of the dog running though was something I just HAD to share with the World though.
I'll make no promises, but I hope not to leave it as long next time..

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