By Mills

Racing Colors

Your everyday out at Goodwood races today, the weather was truly shocking up until about 2 o clock, then it brightened up, but the sky was very moody, managed to photographer pass myself to the side of the race track which was brilliant.

Picking todays blip has been so hard, I got around about 50 fantastic pictures, many of which better then this, but i went for this as todays blip as I felt it was something different to the other full on race action photos the others were.

Earnt myself £37.50 on the bets, and all i betted was £2.50 :) WINNER!... one step closer to paying off mother for my new lens on order, which I really cannot wait for!

:( a 6 hour round trip isn't really how I would like to be spending my sunday tomorrow, but you never know, I might get a descent blip on my travels..

will have to see, till tomorrow.


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