Yes or No...

Firstly, we had an earthquake this morning, at about 5.45am and it measured 3.5 on the richter scale. It's epicentre was about 10k from us, it was quite scary, we felt the ground ripple underneath the house, then the whole house shook, the noise was horrendous, but, we are okay and the house appears to be fine.

Because Roy wasn't too well yesterday, I have an idea what it was, but waiting for the ECG on Tuesday, I didn't go to the gym, he is better today, so I toddled off to the gym for an hour. Did a 4.5k run, then 20 minutes anaerobic exercises, sauna and shower, home. Lunch was a homemade veg soup. Tea tonight is turkey, so do I eat the crunchie bar or not.

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