A moment in time

By Skyegirl

Flower power

Another very cold day, although unlike yesterday as we had some sun today. Haven't been out apart from to church, as we had been decorating our bedroom last week and today we put everything back in place; well, almost everything as we need to have new curtains and can't really move back until we get them. So still in L's room for the time being, but everything is looking good.

The point of telling you all this is that I have not been out to get a blip. However, the flowers I was given are still beautiful, and I thought I would treat you to another blip of them, this time a collection of irises with yellow and pink roses, the colours are heavenly together. Good value from one bouquet of flowers, I think.

Hope your Sunday has been good, and all you southerners are surviving the snow. You have definitely drawn the short straw this time. But remember, it looks pretty!!!! Also remember to look after the old and vulnerable!

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