It Started Down Under

By dirk

Eindhoven Update

Wow, I'm doing something wrong. Now I am graduated I end up with days without a photo. Highlight of yesterday: we had a board meeting from On Stage. Had a delicious meal in Tilburg (lasagna) and got quite some things discussed and decided on during the meeting.

So, back to today: as of today I can no longer use my free public transport card, so I drove the car to Eindhoven for a lunch meeting at university. Over lunch we talked about the presentation of my and another graduation project for the municipality and partners in March this year.

After this meeting I drove to the Grote Berg where I talked to the owner and CEO of the Ministry of New Things. We talked about my graduation project, the current shifts inside his company and opportunities for me in the future. He could not yet find work for me in his company, but we'll keep in touch.

This evening we rehearsed with No Limit (choir from Middelbeers) together with 't Bèrs Bloas Zooike' (an amateur brass band from Middelbeers).

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