Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry


We had about 5 inches of snow overnight, so Neil was really excited to take Henry out in it and see what he made of it.

He was in a bad mood already because he hates his snowsuit because he can't bend his arms and reach his thumb, so he was even grumpier when I put mittens on him! He didn't like the bright light and didn't seem too keen on the snow, particularly when Neil laid him in it and tried to make him do snow angels. Then i managed to slip and lose my balance whilst carrying Henry and pulled something in my back desperately trying not to fall over - ouch!

Neil decided he wanted to take Henry for a walk, so I got the buggy out only to find that the snow was too deep for the wheels! So he ended up carrying him in his arms around the block, then coming home.

Swimming lessons were cancelled because the heating had broken, so we've had a very lazy day of snuggling under blankets and watching a lot of come dine with me. I hope the snow melts soon, I hate it when it turns into ice.

Today Henry ate: raspberry yogurt followe by toast and raspberry jam, a slice of cheese and half a pouch of carrot, apple and parsnip purée. My mum bought me loads of pouches of baby food so I'm trying to use them up. She's still very nervous of the whole baby led weaning thing, everytime Henry gags on something she immediately starts trying to slap him on the back even though Henry is still usually trying to shovel food in! I have to keep reassuring her that he's fine.

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