The rest of forever...

By DrMac

24 hours in the life of Pippa...

10pm last night....I was haring about the garden at 100mph chasing the snow as it fell. And barking at it when it landed on my nose. Brrr....cold wet stuff! Mum kicked the ball loads but then she kicked one ball into Fliss' garden and another one into the farmer's field, so we got my 'new' ball out and it flew miles when she kicked it. Cool! 45 minutes later...she kicked the step as well as the ball...she swore lots and we all went to bed!

7am this morning...Mum came out to play for an hour before her training session...we went mental and she made snow angels and got a soggy wet bum. Then her training session got cancelled so we delivered the local parish magazine to all the houses and Lottie and I walked to heel off the lead like little snow angels! An hour later we got home and played in the garden some more...but Mum was too cold so we all went in for brekky. She had fancy pants scrambled egg whites with salmon, tomato, onion and mozarella. And big mugs of tea. Ooh, get her! We had normal brekky.... ;0(

Then we had a bit of a snooze and then went out to play for another half hour in the snow. Then we all got in the car and hit West Common for some frisbee and snowy fun. Mum kept kicking snow at us...I love it but Lottie kept running away!! hahahaha!

We had our tea and we heard you talking on Facetime. Now we are hiding in our bed under a duvet cover trying to keep warm and snooze cos the fire is too full so the house has stopped getting warm. Mum keeps swearing that she has to empty the tray at the bottom...apparently it's a man's job and you should 'bloody well be here to do it'...I bet she does it herself though!!! ;0)

Me and Lottie miss you, Dad...I'm saving all my licks for you in June!
Love from Pippa

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