A crispy Runeberg's Day

Finland has got a new president today and he's Sauli Niinistö; therefore a new era in the Finnish history is to start on March 1st. Although Pekka Haavisto wasn't elected president, he achieved to mobilize such a people's movement of tolerance, sincerity and goodwill. That is a massive achievement in a country like this, and if I wore a hat, I would certainly take it off for Mr. Haavisto.

I believe Sauli Niinistö won't be a total disaster - just another president. All in all, I suggest you to watch Flashmob Finlandia, which was created by the supporters of Pekka Haavisto. (Finlandia is a Finnish national anthem that is as important as the official national anthem Maamme / Our land.)

I find the mob wonderful and along that I just want to wish good luck to Sauli Niinistö for the next six years. That's what Pekka Haavisto would do, too!

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