must try harder

By halfcj


Any of those who know me will realise that much of what I do, I do by accident.

Excited by the photo opportunity brought by the snow, I ventured out to the summerhouse, more like winterhouse, to see what I could grab by way of a wonderfully creative snow shot. Reality is, I was non too inspired and a tad too cold to come up with anything remotely interesting.

There was this one moment, where I liked the idea of seeing what I could get from the reflection of a mirror in the summerhouse, out to the garden and the lights beyond. so I set up my multiple exposures determined to get some amazing HDR snow shot, as I've seen done by so many before.

Click! Nothing. Camera was dead. I looked at it, wandered around the front to see if I could see what was happening, when the flash went off, startled the living daylights out of me (as you can see), and I realised...I had accidentally left the mode on remote trigger! Hence the ghostly, startled SP!

God I'm bright!

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